






Nowadays, Finland has sunshine.
However, it had heavy snow yesterday!
Land became white world again and I fell down today...


Trip to German and New year's days

from 15.12.2008 to 19.12.2008

I went to Germany to see my task's building.
My main task was to design pancake shop to christmas market in Hanorver and to design 0-energy house to build in Madrid(this is international competition).
And I visited Hanorver because I heard that pancake shop was built in that market.
However, pancake shop was quite different comparing wood program student's idea.
Especially, detail was totally different.
However, it was brilliant in Hanorver christmas market.
And I also visited Berlin.

I saw a lot of building. On the other hand, I saw a lot of history of Berlin.
It was difficult to accept and understand for Jewish.


Mery Christmas!!
I spent nice time with my friends.
My friends's frined had very good smile.
I think the person who has a lot of smile can make happy.
And I got very cute stuff as christmas present.

from 27.12.2008 to 07.01.2009

A happy new year!!
I had been to Japan to see my parent and friends.
My friends had became gentleman even Yu Okuno.
And I tried to go to Awaji island with my home town's friends to see first sunrise in new year on Desember 31.
My frined has summer cottage in Awaji island.
However, my friend mistaked most important point.
His cottage's key didn't work.....
I mean that I spent Awaji island only 20 minuites....
And I went to Akashi servise area to see count down celemony.
It was very very nice trip!!

And I came back to Helsinki yesterday.
I have already had mid review tomorrow....haha.....
see you later